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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-80148

Wont be able to create child issues under Epic if you have workflow validator in create transition


      Issue Summary

      Users won't be able to create child issues via Add a child issue or + inline under Epic if you have a workflow validator in creat transition for a required field.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add Field Required Validator in the create a transition in the workflow
      2. Go to Epic and click on Add a child issue or + inline to create a child issue
      3. It won't bring up the screen and give an error cant create the issue because of the required field is not entered.

      Expected Results

      To popup the screen to be able to enter the required fields

      Actual Results

      It gives an error " We could not create the child issue must add < field name>"


      1) Make the Linked issues field required in the Field Configuration
      2) Add the Linked issue field to the screen
      This forces the create issue screen to pop up to be able to add the required fields. Although the Linked issues field is set to Required it does not do the check and allows us to not enter any value and won't set it. You may examine the issue via rest api:
      https://<instance.atlassian.ent/rest/api/3/issue/issuekey-xxx shows the issue links are empty as we wish.

      Remove the validator from creating transition and make the actual fields as Required required in the field configuration.

            89bc0078a4cf Carl Sowden
            646205eda384 Fariba
            20 Vote for this issue
            41 Start watching this issue
