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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-79112

New Field Types in Jira & Fields Layout



    • 14
    • 4
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.



      Jira is great, but it's definitely missing more variety and more flexible field types.

      Jira is also definitely missing a better layout/tools to organize your layout better (right now, you have fields laid out in a strip without being able to group, separate, or organize them in any way to make the form look better. Jira forms just look like a long sausage without any logic as to how they are displayed. Although Atlassian has made their basic issue layout the way it is, the user has no flexibility to organize content within the issue, causing the form to look very ugly and disorganized. 

      Depending on the number of custom fields you have on your form, say good bye to making sense of your form or trying to make it look good.

      As far as new fields, I could come up with many, but what comes to mind now are things like:

      • Cascading with multi-select
      • Dynamic field configuration options (such as fields appear or hide based on previous selection/s)
      • A more flexible Message field (the current one is very limited)
      • A divider field (which basically draws a divider so you can organize or group fields in their own section
      • Frame elements to separate content within a framed box
      • Serial fields. Say I have a "Add Hardware" field. Once I click on it, it just adds another box so I can another hardware element. It's one field with different instances that get created on the fly
      • Etc.

      As mentioned, I could think of many other fields that I constantly miss on my daily activities in Jira. I'd just have to spend more time to write them down.

      It just shocks me to think that this is something no one at Atlassian is thinking about... Please tell me there are people working on forms and UI enhancements. Jira's UI is very elementary and outdated when it comes to forms, so my hope is that there are people actually thinking and working on these things.




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            1ffb5932be51 Ricardo.Gomes
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