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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77719

Users duplicated/missing when paginating results from /rest/api/3/users endpoint


      Issue Summary

      Currently, if you have a high number of users and try to query them using the /rest/api/3/users with pagination, you may find that some users appear to be duplicated or missing.

      The reason for this behavior is lack of ordering in the output, for each page the database is free to return results in any order, and then return the page, which may cause the behavior described.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Suppose you have 200 users and you want to find User A
      2. Query users with the /rest/api/3/users endpoint while setting maxResults to a number that could give you at least two or three pages of results

      Expected Results

      User A will appear exactly one time on one of the pages

      Actual Results

      • Possible Result #1: User A will not appear on any of the pages
      • Possible Result #2: User A will appear exactly one time on more than one pages
      • Possible Result #3: User A will appear exactly one time on one of the pages


      User a higher number of maxResults in order to eliminate the need for pagination. (This may not be possible in some cases)

            glewandowski Grzegorz Lewandowski
            bd0e47de2684 Yuri Moura
            3 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
