I found a hacky workaround to also include a limited amount of sub-tasks per task for cloning epics for anyone interested and the new userInput feature is great for that as that will be the name of the new epic.
You can use the list issue.subtasks to get to the respective sub-task but will have to use some variables to store the needed issue keys.
In the for-loop to create the epic's children you have to
1. save the issuekey of the created task as a variable from createdIssue.key
2. create the sub-task by using the respective sub-task using the get() function (e.g. create the 1st subtask by setting the values of e.g. summary to issue.subtasks.get(0).summary
3. create the nth,... subtasks by checking the number of subtasks issue.subtasks.size > n+1
4. if another subtask is found via this condition you can create the next sub-task by using e.g. {{{}issue.subtasks.get(1).summary
{}}}This will support sub-tasks for "simple fields" you can reach via the get() function.
For instance, I dont think it would be possible to support attachments doing this.
As this is not a loop it will support as many subtasks as have been manually built into the rule. I'm currently supporting up to 10 sub-tasks, including an error message if {{issue.subtasks.size }}> 10 as a comment to inform the user of missing sub-tasks

d2237e6804e2 - thanks for this, helpful. I have one issue that you can maybe help with. When I set the for:children part, the outcome is that the child issues are copied under the original Epic and not the new copied one. Is this something you could help with? I am probably just doing something wrong here, thx!