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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-76483

Standard custom fields are available to be edited for Team managed projects when using bulk edit


      Issue Summary

      Standard custom fields are available to be edited for Team managed projects when using bulk edit. However, they are never available in the issue view because they cannot be added to the context of the Team managed project.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to. Issue Search and select a Team managed as well as a Company managed project so that issues from both the projects show up.
      2. Bulk change all the issues to modify a custom field.
      3. The bulk change is successful and we are able to see the value updated in Issue Search -> List View for issues from both Team managed as well as Company managed projects.
      4. Add this custom field to the View Issue screen of the Company managed project and we should be able to see the updated values appear in the issues.
      5. This custom field however is not available to be added to the screen of the Team managed project and hence we cannot see the field and the value updated in the issue view for Team managed project issues.

      Expected Results

      As the standard custom fields cannot be made available for use within a Team managed project, they shouldn't be available for an update via bulk edit.

      Actual Results

      Standard custom fields are available for edit bia a bulk action but not for adding them to the screens of Team managed projects.


      If you have already made a bulk update of issues from Team managed projects and are expecting the field to be available in the issue view,

      1. Export the values of the field corresponding to those issues from Issue search.
      2. Create a similar custom field within the Team managed project.
      3. Using External System Import -> Import from csv, import the previously exported values and map them against the newly created custom field.

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