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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-76103

Markup support for New Jira Issues


    • 3
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      We have several templates that we've created in the old Markup format. We use these templates every week with new batches of tickets and when creating individual tickets. I was able to make these templates with the old format view option, but now that's gone away and if I want to make changes I have to guess and edit these in a spreadsheet. Less than ideal. 

      The Markup format is still the standard for Batch Importing tickets as well. 99% of our tickets are made through batch import. So a few questions/comments:

      1. Will Markup remain the standard for Batch importing?
      2. Will Markup remain the standard for creating new issues?
      3. Can I get support to edit these templates in the old view like we had before. 

      Below is an example of our template that most tickets have. We import with batch importer and copy this into new tickets. 

      ------- Concept Art -------{color}
      [Concept Art Here]

      ------- Ortho Art -------{color}
      [Ortho Art Here]

      -------Description of the Asset -------{color}
      Script Link:
      -------Notes for Departments -------{color}
      ------- Export and p4 Data -------{color}
      Concept Art p4 Link

      Ortho Art p4 Link

      Maya file p4 link
      Model Skin Name

      {color:#FF8B00}------- Rig Template -------{color}
      (If applicable)
      {color:#00875A}------- Rendered Icons -------{color}
      (Only applicable to event items)

            b44ee328bea8 Ethan Yew
            a7f88f3bf217 Dean Ritchie
            14 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
