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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-73409

Convert a Parent Task to a Subtask doesn't Allow Selection on Dropdown option




      Issue Summary

      There are times when you will need to convert some parent issues into sub-task. Using the "Convert to subtask" button, you can be able to do such.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a classic JSD or JSW Project
      2. Create some Parent Issues
      3. Try to convert one of the Parent Issue as sub-task.
        Video Example

      Expected Results

      On the convert selection list, you should be able to select either one of the result from the Parent search

      Actual Results

      The dropdown selection is unclickable, and the option for Parent task can't be selected.

      The below exception is thrown in the Browser console:

      Uncaught TypeError: d.completeField is not a function
      TypeError: d.completeField is not a function5 batch.js:6640:1533
          r https://d94cnjerq84bd.cloudfront.net/atl-vertigo--shard-jira-prod-us-14--2--jres.atlassian.net/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/-7f820x/b/19/70214d12d24d4c979f8bd0b27e07dc0e/_/download/contextbatch/js/atl.global,atl.general,jira.general,jira.global,-_super/batch.js?agile_global_admin_condition=true&jag=true&jaguser=true&locale=en-US&sd_operational=true:6640
          dispatch https://d94cnjerq84bd.cloudfront.net/atl-vertigo--shard-jira-prod-us-14--2--jres.atlassian.net/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/-7f820x/b/19/0ef16ca3e0ba6fd2f9f73eadc1511767/_/download/contextbatch/js/_super/batch.js?locale=en-US:120
          h https://d94cnjerq84bd.cloudfront.net/atl-vertigo--shard-jira-prod-us-14--2--jres.atlassian.net/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/-7f820x/b/19/0ef16ca3e0ba6fd2f9f73eadc1511767/_/download/contextbatch/js/_super/batch.js?locale=en-US:112


      The known workarounds, would be:

      1. To enter the issuekey as it is, however this because cumbersome, since the issuekey is entered manually.
      2. Click on the "select issue" link, which should bring out a pop-up dialog screen to see other issues that has been viewed by you recently.


        1. EV01KL7WoAIrP5Y.mp4
          154 kB
          Kate C.
        2. issue-selector.png
          278 kB
          Prince N
        3. changetype.png
          148 kB
          Prince N

        Issue Links



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