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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-73330

'Releases panel' disappears permanently if placed into hidden fields column issue layout


      Issue Summary

      As per issue summary above, the releases Panel disappears permanently if placed into hidden fields column issue layout.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Integrate a dummy DVCS repository to your Cloud instance.
      2. Create a JIRA Software project.
      3. Now go to the issue layout screen. The 'Releases panel' should be there.
      4. Move the 'Releases panel' into the hidden field column.
      5. Save changes. Refresh the page.
      6. The 'Releases panel' is now gone.

      Expected Results

      'Releases panel' stays in the hidden field. User can add the panel back to the issue layout anytime.

      Actual Results

      'Releases panel' field disappears permanently. You can no longer add it back to the issue layout so it will no longer show on the JIRA ticket.


      You will need to swap to another new issue type screen scheme. That will make the 'Releases panel' appear again. Should it be moved to the hidden field, however, it will disappear again.

      Update 20 Nov 2019

      The workaround provided will not necessarily work because you specifically need to swap the Screen Scheme with another one that has the Releases panel field still available in the Issue layout.

              fbordallo Fernando Bordallo
              vchin Vincent Chin (Inactive)
              18 Vote for this issue
              15 Start watching this issue
