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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-72980

Cannot move issue if there was a parent/child relation with another non-sub-task issue


      Issue Summary

      Currently, it is possible to update a Sub-task's issue type via CSV (that has already been reported here).

      But, if you then move that modified Sub-task to another project, and then create a new Sub-task under the same issue (the parent), you will not be able to move the current parent issue to another project.


      Jira Cloud.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create two issues: A and B;
      • Create a link between A and B (e.g. relates to);
      • Convert B to sub-task, selecting A as the parent;
      • Change B's issue type to a standard issue type;
      • Move B to a different project;
      • Create a new sub-task under A;
      • Try to move A to another project.

      Expected Results

      A will be moved to another project successfully.

      Actual Results

      Jira will not be able to move A, stating an error message: At least one of the issues you are trying to move has been recently updated by another user (<issue key>). Please cancel and start again.

      Error message below:


      Convert A's sub-task to issue, move A, then move that sub-task you've converted to the same project. After moving that sub-task you've converted to the same project where A is now, convert it to sub-task again, selecting A as the parent.

            asinha@atlassian.com Abhinaya Sinha
            lalmeida@atlassian.com Leonardo De Almeida
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