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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-71106

Customer feedback on JIRA Roadmap


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Product Team,

      it's in reference to the following feature:


      In our organization we started testing this feature and it's almost perfect, we have 3 suggestions though.

      As our IT department works under 1 project and we distinguish scrum boards using components, the newly created project for the roadmap (let's call it project A) can not be linked to the epics we actually use to group our user stories  (let's call this one project B), hence the first suggestion is to allow to use epics from project B under project A.

      Second suggestion is another a step forward, once we are allowed to use the epics from exisitng project B under newly created project A, it would be fantastic if we could see under each epic the list of user stories that belong to this epic.

      And last suggestion but not least - quite important for us, is to add option to export the roadmap into pdf and excel file. As product team member, I'm obliged to prepare the external, non-editable version of roadmap on monthly basis for those stakeholders who does not have access to JIRA. Without this feature it will be really hard to manage such an expectations.


      Kind Regards,

      Joanna Rozanska




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            29cfbb6a8396 Joanna Chelimala
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