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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-67800

Workflow status properties are not working



      When we have Workflows that are part of Workflow Schemes with multiple Workflows, setting workflow properties may not work, as Jira is, for some reason, checked the wrong workflow for properties.

      As an example, if a Workflow Scheme has the 'workflow All' for all 'Unassigned Types' and 'workflow Bug' for Bug type, if we add a property for status 'Open' in 'workflow Bug', it may not affect a 'bug' in Open status, as Jira is checking for properties in 'workflow All', even though it should be checking in 2.

      Similarly, if we have a property in 'workflow All' for status Open, it may take effect to a Bug, even though it shouldn't, as Bugs are not using that Workflow.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a project with 2 Workflows
        • As an example, the first workflow defined is associated with the Bug type and the second to the Task type
      2. Create a property in the Task Workflow (say, remove 'edit' permission) and another in Bug Workflow (say, remove 'assign permissions to the same status)
      3. Create a Task ticket and make sure it's on the status with the properties

      Expected Results

      The property in Task Workflow will take effect (for example, the ticket will not be editable)

      Actual Results

      The property in Bug Workflow will take effect (for example, it won't be assignable). Also, if no property or that status doesn't exist in Bug Workflow, the property in Task Workflow won't take effect.


      • We can't replicate this in all scenarios. It seems that the order of the workflows impacts this behavior.


      No workarounds at the moment.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nmohdkhalid Nabil
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