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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-67705

Status property key unintentionally applies to multiple workflows



      When applying a property key to a status, the property key should only apply on the workflow and status where the property key is set. Property key settings are not scoped correctly, and property key settings are unintentionally applying to other workflows.


      • A workflow scheme exists where there are multiple workflows assigned to different issue types
      • Each of the workflows use the same 1st transition status("Status 1")
      • The workflow scheme is assigned to a project
      Test Workflow Scheme
      Workflows Assigned Issue Types Diagram
      Workflow 1 Task, Sub-task
      Workflow 2 Bug

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Edit Workflow 1
      2. Click on "Status 1" > Properties
      3. Specify a property key and value. As an example, we will use the property key "jira.permission.comment.denied"(value=NULL)
        Workflow 1 > Status 1
        Workflow 2 > Status 1(left unchanged)
      4. Publish the workflow
      5. Create a bug and a task
      6. Transition to "Status 1" on both issues

      Expected Results

      • Comments are not allowed on tasks while in the "Status 1" status
      • Comments are allowed on bug issues while in the "Status 1" status

      Actual Results

      • Unable to comment on a bug issue even though there isn't a property key restricting "Status 1" on "Workflow 2"
        Bug Issue Task


      • Adding the property key to "Workflow 2" instead of "Workflow 1" will produce the desired result
      • Keeping to the scenario mentioned in the summary, when using "Workflow 1" on another project, the property key does not apply to issues on the other project
      • Scope of the property key is limited to the project - property key doesn't affect "Workflow 1" when used on another project
      • Multiple property keys are affected


      • No known workarounds

        1. Workflow 2_Status_1.png
          Workflow 2_Status_1.png
          150 kB
        2. Workflow_2.png
          51 kB
        3. Workflow_1.png
          44 kB
        4. Workflow_1_Status_1.png
          152 kB
        5. TestWorkflowScheme.png
          109 kB
        6. Task_Status_1.png
          140 kB
        7. Bug_Status_1.png
          137 kB
        8. Bug_In_Progress.png
          143 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dnguyen4 Derrick Nguyen
            4 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
