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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-67024

User created via REST API receives invitation email



      User created via REST API receives invitation email and need to click on the link to complete the account creation before the account can be used to execute other REST calls. This is mostly because of Atlassian Accounts, since newly created user account in JIRA Cloud will now lead to the creation of a user account in Atlassian ID which requires email confirmation to finish the user creation process.

      While in documentation, it is stated that:

      Create user. By default created user will not be notified with email. If password field is not set then password will be randomly generated.

      The documentation will need to be updated or there will need to be a new feature in the REST end point to enable/disable email confirmation during user creation.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create user using POST /rest/api/2/user.
      2. Send the JSON payload including the password:
            "name": "charlie",
            "password": "abracadabra",
            "emailAddress": "charlie@atlassian.com",
            "displayName": "Charlie of Atlassian",
      1. Check related mail inbox.

      Expected Result

      User creation completed without receiving invitation email and the credential can be used to perform REST calls directly.

      Current Result

      The credential can't be used to perform REST calls unless the link in invitation mail is followed.


      The new experimental user endpoint POST /rest/api/3/user has the notification parameter that should allow the user to disable notifications on user creation.
      This attribute is currently not working so all user creations will still trigger an email notification.
      We will use this bug to track the fix on that for now.

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