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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-66423

Jira/Greenhopper OnDemand doesn't work with Chrome Frame


      We are using Jira/Greenhopper OnDemand, and have many users on IE8 with the Chrome Frame plugin. Untill recently, that worked fine. In one of the latest versions, however, IE8+CF users could no longer open issues or view issue filters. This seems to have happened within the last month or so.

      Whenever a user clicks an issue link, such as "https://<domain>/browse/ALA-1922", the user is redirected to a URL similar to "https://<domain>/i#browse/ALA-2019?issueKey=ALA-2019&serverRenderedViewIssue=true", which renders an empty search page (see attached)

      Simarly for filters, when a user follows a link to a pre-defined filter such as "https://<domain>/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10003" by clicking a link in the "Issues" menu, the user is redirected to a URL similar to "https://<domain>/i#issues/?filter=10003", with an empty search page (see attached).

      This makes Jira/Greenhopper a lot less useful to us, since most of our user base can no longer navigate to issues via links or use filters.

      We expect to be able to use Jira/Greenhopper in IE8 with Chrome Frame installed, so we request that the issue is fixed either by removing the <meta> tag that enables Chrome Frame in Jira OnDemand, or by fixing the issue in Chrome Frame, so issue and filter links render correctly.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              fa3638e251a9 Erik Underbjerg
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