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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65825

Bulk operation with over 300 issues


      as noted in The workaround is noted HERE a bulk move will fix this scenario

      This was Semi addressed in issues https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-32546 and the resolution was to limit the result set to 1000, and add longer timeout yet the issue still exists if you perform a bulk move on >300 to 400 issues it causes timeouts to occur or system crashes while performed under load (If anyone is using the system at the time this is done).

      Two Options to fix this:

      1. the limit should have been set to 300 per operation rather than 1000
      2. Address the ability of users to be able to limit results set via the JQL per a wont fix ticket:
      • https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-31384
      • AND add a warning to the bulk move operation identifying the timeout can occur if system is under load.
      • AND/OR force log users out when operation is performed like the Full lock and re-index option to reduce system load for the operation to occur successfully.

      This is causing Confusion for the Fix and a lot of extra time and effort to resolve by needing to select 300-400 issues manually per bulk move operation.

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              emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
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