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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65164

JIRA import only accepts attachments/ directory as the root of the zip



      JIRA Import wizard prerequisites states that:

      <JIRA_HOME>/data/attachments directory. The contents should either have the attachments directory as the top level directory, or the project keys within the attachments directory as the top level directories.

      In the past .zip files with either attachments/ or project keys in the root level would be accepted by the importer.
      Now only attachments/ directory at the root of the .zip file is accepted by the wizard.


      • JIRA Cloud imports

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Generate a backup from JIRA Cloud
      2. Extract the backup and run the following commands to prepare for Cloud Import:
        7za a backup.zip activeobjects.xml entities.xml
        cd data/
        7za a attachments.zip attachments/
        mv attachments.zip ../
        cd attachments/
        7za a attachments-pkeys.zip *
        mv attachments/attachments-pkeys.zip ../../
      3. Go to JIRA Import Wizard: /secure/admin/StudioImportSelect!start.jspa
      4. Read the Prerequisites to make sure it matches the format and click Next
      5. Run the importer using attachments-pkeys.zip in the attachments field

      Expected Results

      Import Wizard continues to next screen as the .zip matches the prerequisites

      Actual Results

      The following error is displayed:

      This archive doesn't contain any valid attachments


      Using attachments.zip created earlier succeeds


      Zip attachments with the attachments/ directory at the root or get in contact with support for them to correct the directory path of already uploaded attachments to webdav.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mfernandezbadii Mauro Badii (Inactive)
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