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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-64261

When using text effects in the middle of a word, the word is not marked up correctly


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      When using text effects in the middle of a word (like aaabbbccc) from the toolbar, the word is not marked up correctly.

      When it comes to Non-English languages like Japanese, one sentence is composed without space character (as if it is a word) in general.

      e.g.) The following sentences have the same meanings.

      • English : I'm working for Atlassian. (There are some space character in the sentence)
      • Japanese : 私は、アトラシアンで働いています。(There are no space character in the sentence)

      When it comes to the Japanese one, If you want to make the word "アトラシアン" bold, we need to use text effects in the middle of the word (I meant the sentence without space character).

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open an issue
      2. Open the editor in the description field (comment field is also fine)
      3. Type "aaabbbccc" in the editor
      4. Try to make the part "bbb" of the word bold from the toolbar
      5. The word "aaabbbccc" is marked up as "aaa*bbb*ccc"
      6. Preview the description field (or comment field)

      Expected Results

      For now, we can escape the special characters which are used for the text effects with "{}".
      Then, the word "aaabbbccc" should be marked up as "aaa{*}bbb{*}ccc". (It was shown as "aaabbbccc".)

      Actual Results

      As I described in the above, the word was converted to "aaa*bbb*ccc" and there was no text effect on the word. (It was shown as "aaa*bbb*ccc".)


      Just type the mark up manually.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            yokamoto Yuki Okamoto (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
