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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-62427

User Picker not updating properly in a transition screen pop-up


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      When updating user picker value during a workflow transition screen, if the transition is blocked due to other system/workflow validator condition, after updating the field needed, the user picker value will not be updated properly

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On a freshly installed instance, create a transition screen which has assignee field and summary field
      2. Summary field by default has a validator hard coded to it, where this field will need to have a value
      3. Append the transition screen to any workflow transition
      4. Publish the workflow
      5. Trigger the transition screen by performing the needed transition
      6. Change the assignee field
      7. Remove the Summary value to become empty
      8. When saving, the update will fail due to the summary field is empty
      9. Insert value to summary field, and resave.

      Expected Results

      1. Issue will be able to save with updated value for both assignee field and summary

      Actual Result

      1. Assignee field is not updated accordingly
        bug user picker transition.mp4


      After some testing, it seems that installing JSU and apply plugin validator to other transition will remove the bug. User picker value are updated properly
      bug user picker transition2.mp4


      Unverified at the moment, however, worth to try.

      • Install JSU and configure other validator in the workflow.

        1. bug user picker transition.mp4
          1.73 MB
          Azfar Masut
        2. bug user picker transition2.mp4
          1.00 MB
          Azfar Masut

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              amasut Azfar Masut (Inactive)
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