Resolution: Fixed
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Add ability to bulk edit “Original Estimate” and “Time Remaining” field of “Time Tracking” system field.
Supported bulk experiences
Bulk editing would be made possible for these fields through “Bulk Ops REST APIs”, “Bulk Edit in Backlog”, “Bulk Edit in List view” and not through legacy bulk change experience or issue navigator at the moment.
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-12595 Apply Bulk Change to Original Estimate ( Time Tracking ) field
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-5034 Bulk Edit: Time Tracking Estimates
- Closed
- mentioned in
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[JRACLOUD-5034] Bulk Edit: Time Tracking Estimates
Hello everyone, Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate (Time Remaining) fields are now available to bulk edit using Bulk Edit in Backlog, Bulk Edit in List View and Bulk Ops REST APIs.
Adding bulk editing capability to Time Spent field of the Time Tracking field was not in the scope of this JAC ticket. There is another JAC for the same: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-84851. Please feel free to vote on the ticket and add yourself as a watcher if you want this feature.
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All comments
16e17ad0ff63 this is definitely not implemented in Jira Cloud, could you please retest and update this as necessary. Many thanks
16e17ad0ff63 Why is this marked as fixed, while only a very small part of the solution is given??
A simple bulk change edit on a JQL search for example does not even work...
Hello everyone, Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate (Time Remaining) fields are now available to bulk edit using Bulk Edit in Backlog, Bulk Edit in List View and Bulk Ops REST APIs.
Adding bulk editing capability to Time Spent field of the Time Tracking field was not in the scope of this JAC ticket. There is another JAC for the same: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-84851. Please feel free to vote on the ticket and add yourself as a watcher if you want this feature.
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really?? You implemented it for Server/Datacenter!!! How about some feature parity here.
Sprint planning and capacity planning for Jira https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1219264/sprint-planning-and-capacity-planning-for-jira?tab=overview&hosting=cloud supports bulk updates of time and story point estimates, as well as other helpful features needed during sprint planning.
Jerry - Divim, Inc.
go to Cloud, they said
the newest features and implementation are rolled out there first, they said
20 years? are you kidding? 😂
>600 votes 😭
We've changed the developer and must re-estimate and re-do much of the work. Being able to bulk-clear the estimates and time-tracking would come in handy now. Now I have to spend hours reviewing each one and clearing the original estimates and worklog.
Hi Jon Platt,
A simple way is to set up an automation task. I have set up a schedule to run every friday with a jql query "status = done and remainingEstimate > 0", then in the Edit issue action I chose the Remaining estimate field and set it to zero.
You could run the automation once to clear your current problem. You could then either disable the automation or remove if you don't want to use it in future
Darn! Just migrated from Server to Cloud and have only now discovered that bulk edit for estimates is missing. Not happy. I want to zero out remaining estimate for closed tickets. Any suggestions, other than reverting back to Server?
Oh I'm so sad to end here when setting a project roadmap for a 12 month project.... This should be a standard feature.....
My ScriptRunner script that I ran in the ScriptRunner Console to achieve this (run as the ScriptRunner Add-On User):
def jql = 'statusCategory = Done and timeestimate > 0' def timeRemaining = 0; def total = 0 def startAt = 0 while(total==0 || startAt<total) { def result = get("/rest/api/3/search?fields=timetracking&startAt=${startAt}&jql=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(jql, "UTF-8") ) .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .asObject(Map) .body total = result.total startAt = startAt+result.maxResults result.issues.each { logger.info("original is ${it.fields.timetracking}"); it.fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate = timeRemaining it.fields.timetracking.remove("timeSpentSeconds") // removed because it's not allowed to be updated it.fields.timetracking.remove("timeSpent") // removed because it's not allowed to be updated logger.info("modified is ${it.fields.timetracking}"); def pageResult = put("/rest/api/2/issue/${it.key}") .queryString("overrideScreenSecurity", Boolean.TRUE) .queryString("notifyUsers", Boolean.FALSE) .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .body([ fields: [ timetracking: it.fields.timetracking ] ]) .asString() if (pageResult.status == 204) { logger.info("Success on ${it.key}"); } else { return "${result.status}: ${pageResult.body}" } } }
HOW IS THIS NOT A BASIC FEATURE!!!!!!!!!! I have 55 tasks that just need to have a 2h estimate and i have to do it by hand. so dumb!
Lack of this feature significantly limits csv task import. In case it would be available, once importing list of issues, it would be helpful to provide their estimates.
eabb54fc0692 My current need is...
I want to be able to bulk edit original estimate for sub-tasks. Sometimes scope changes so team estimation has to change. I always create sub-taks with «Import issues from CSV» so I can create hundreds of sub-taks. When scope changes takes so much effort to edit original estimate.
HI @Michal Gorski,
Thanks for your feeback. I'll try for my projectsBUT honestly Automation management is not as easy as the Bulk update.
Automation needs more support and settings for teams while Bulk update, teams are really more autonomous and effective!
Hi Celine,
I've struggled with it and then figured out a workaround.
Please have a look at my last post. It will work in your case. Remember that you should have at least a 'company-managed' project to use automation.
Good luck!
Hi eabb54fc0692
Based to the T-shirt sizing estimation (relative estimation), my current need is to have a macro estimation of the remaining work. /!\ These tickets have NO time tracking's original estimation.
ex : I want to select all the XL estimated tickets, then bulk update and insert a time value.
M = 3 weeks
L = 10 weeks
XL = 15 weeks ...
We don't have Scriptrunner, neither Advanced Roadmap and I don't know how to use the API. We have to do it with a basic Jira Cloud version.
Many thanks by advance for your support.
I ended up working around this using script runner, allowing my to make ad-hoc changes for issues matching some JQL.
def jql = 'filter = "my jql in her' def timeRemaining = 0; def total = 0 def startAt = 0 while(total==0 || startAt<total) { def result = get("/rest/api/3/search?fields=timetracking&startAt=${startAt}&jql=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(jql, "UTF-8") ) .header('Content-fType', 'application/json') .asObject(Map) .body total = result.total startAt = startAt+ result.maxResults result.issues.each{ def pageResult = put("/rest/api/2/issue/${it.key}") .queryString("overrideScreenSecurity", Boolean.TRUE) .queryString("notifyUsers", Boolean.FALSE) .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .body([ fields: [ timetracking: [ remainingEstimate: "${timeRemaining}", originalEstimate: "${it.fields.timetracking.originalEstimate}" ] ] ]) .asString() if (pageResult.status == 204) { logger.info("Success on ${it.key}"); } else { return "${result.status}: ${pageResult.body}" } }}
It's pretty dirty, but it works.
A workaround if anybody is still interested in editing the time-tracking elements:
- Define a label (ie. "FireTimeTrackingAutomation") to assign the label to the elements that you'd like to bulk edit
- Wrap the action you'd like to perform in automation that will be triggered while setting the label
- Trigger: Label is changed
- Condition: Label = FireTimeTrackingAutomation
- ie. Set remaining to 0 / THE ACTION
- Remove the label in the automation (also in the automation) if you want
- Put a comment (also in automation) if you want
- Find elements that you'd like to edit
- Bulk add the label
The automation will perform the ACTION for you.
Hi Everyone,
I'm interested in getting more details about your use cases for bulk editing time tracking estimates. Is anyone keen for a quick 30 minute chat?
Please feel free to respond here with your email address or book directly via this link: https://calendly.com/emditchfield/customer-chat
Emily Ditchfield
Product Manager, Jira Software
Folks, this issue is old enough to vote, I don't think it's gonna go anywhere. I had to dig out an ancient account to log back in to un-watch it so I stop getting pinged on other people also asking for it. Good luck out there.
For me this feature is needed because of testing plugins create a lot of test issues, which efforts are so small that can be omit, but still they appear as not estimated issues in the reports. This feature can easily make them all estimated to 0.
As a workaround, you can configure an automation to set the remaining estimate to X when an issue is transitioned to a state.
We use this automation: When issue is transitioned to Done, then edit issue field Remaining Estimate.
I could have used this feature so many times already. It means that now I'll need to manually update 22 cards and colleagues will get spammed with emails about these changes.
Please re-evaluate this.
Still a desperately needed feature. Please re-evaluate the 2016 response.
Just migrated from Jira Server to Jira Cloud, huge regression from my point of view
We need this to easily close issues and erase remaining time on tasks
At Divim, we saw our customers struggling with this issue and we created Backlog refinement and Sprint planning.
It allows you to find all the stories without an estimate (in story points), and all the subtasks without a time estimate.
Let me know if you would like to see other features as well.
+1 We need this. Why is it only available for the Server version? Jira Cloud should also offer this!
@dmeyer Testing mention functionality (b/c they seem to get used here, but there's no user lookup functionality available via Comment editor @ symbol invocation). Not sure if I'll be able to delete this, so apologies and please disregard if I'm unable.
I really don't understand why some things are omitted like this. We want full control, even when using the cloud version!
urgently needed for our daily operations and project management
I know this was fixed last year in Data Center, it would be great if users of Cloud could have these handy feature as well.
Hello everybody. If I understand the issue here correctly, this is easily doable by just copying and pasting, using our spreadsheet app JXL: https://jxl.app
- Install JXL your Jira site
- Create a sheet inside Jira with all the issues you want to change (you can write JQL for this)
- Add the Original estimate column to the sheet (or whatever field you want to bulk change)
- Edit, mark and copy (⌘/Ctrl + C) a cell with the desired field value
- Mark multiple cells and paste (⌘/Ctrl + V) the copied value into them
- JXL takes care of the bulk change for you instantly
Hope that helps. It works with hundreds or thousands of issues.
Disclaimer: I'm co-founder of the app vendor behind JXL. Your feedback is welcome and much appreciated. There's a free fully functional trial available on the Atlassian Marketplace here: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/1224710 (check out the short demo video)
Bhuvnesh.Chandra, see the description at the top of the page: "unfortunately we don't have any plans to support this in JIRA for the foreseeable future".
+1 need for our team, as we just started using the time estimate this was requested.
I can't believe such an obvious feature hasn't been implemented in Jira Cloud yet. A 16 year wait and still not done even though it was for server over a year ago.
Just submit a ticket now and maybe by the time your new born child is ready to start college it will have been addressed. Simple! 16 years is entirely a reasonable time for an open ticket!
Still not available in Jira Cloud in my instance.
Jira Cloud does not mirror Server. A lot of Server features are missing from Cloud.
Should be available in Cloud version, as it is also available for server and data center.
Suggested workaround using Jira API is unusable for non devs - rather unsatisfying that you need to have your own Jira Admin developer although using the cloud version, specially, if this version is focussing on nice UI (beside confusing UX changes) instead of functionality.