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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-45485

Add more granularity to filter sharing in the REST API by allowing shared permissions to be set.


    • 5
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      i.e. If you create a filter (/rest/api/2/filter) it sets the shared permission to the users default sharing permissions. You cannot set the permissions when you create the filter via the API.

      You can set the /rest/api/2/filter/defaultShareScope to either Global or Private. Then create the filter which will inherit this permission. However that doesn't allow the granularity to share to specific users/groups ect.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jcastro Jose Castro (Inactive)
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