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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-38720

Unable to set logging for JIRA Wallboard Plugin permanently in log4j.properties


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. install JIRA wallboard plugin.
      2. got to the dashboard and click on the Tools > View as Wallboard.
      3. check the logs to find the following lines:
         2014-06-12 21:58:30,345 http-bio-7625-exec-17 INFO admin 1318x143x1 vnimab /plugins/servlet/Wallboard/ [atlassian.jirawallboard.servlet.WallboardServlet] Session id is: 0AAB676DD1908CEFC39253569A7C3593 
      4. stop JIRA.
      5. Find the file in JIRA Installation Folder > atlassian-jira > WEB-INF > classes > log4j.properties.
      6. edit the file and add another logging properties inside for JIRA Wallboard plugin:
        log4j.logger.com.atlassian.jirawallboard.servlet.WallboardServlet = WARN, console, filelog
        log4j.additivity.com.atlassian.jirawallboard.servlet.WallboardServlet = false
      7. start JIRA and view the dashboard on wallboard again.

      Expected Result:
      Any logging below WARN will not be appearing on the logs.

      Actual Result:
      The INFO logs still appearing in the logs:

       2014-06-12 21:58:30,345 http-bio-7625-exec-17 INFO admin 1318x143x1 vnimab /plugins/servlet/Wallboard/ [atlassian.jirawallboard.servlet.WallboardServlet] Session id is: 0AAB676DD1908CEFC39253569A7C3593 


      • The logging will be possible to be set up only on UI (Logging and Profiling)
      • After refresh, the logging level change back from WARN to ALL.

            pklimkowski@atlassian.com Piotr Klimkowski (Inactive)
            jrahmadiputra Julian (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
