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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-38598

JIRA reindexing is too slow - doesn't use existing CPUs


    • 1
    • 36
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      We have a big JIRA instance on a really good hardware:

      • ~300k issues
      • 48GB RAM
      • 32 cores
      • SSD in RAID
      • PostgreSQL on localhsot

      Still, reindexing does not increase the load above 4-5 (out of 32!), database is not under high load nor the filesystem.

      Clearly this means that indexing is not properly using the resources in order to index rapidly.

      Even with this configuration, a foreground reindex takes about one hour which is too much for a live system, in fact is too much even for a background reindex.

      top - 11:57:30 up 50 days, 21:35,  2 users,  load average: 4.43, 4.02, 3.79
      Tasks: 413 total,   3 running, 410 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
      Cpu(s): 14.3%us,  0.6%sy,  0.0%ni, 84.8%id,  0.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
      Mem:  49415024k total, 48661932k used,   753092k free,   171160k buffers
      Swap:  2097148k total,   139576k used,  1957572k free, 21143064k cached
      18668 root      20   0 23.4g 3.0g  50m S  241  6.3  54145:22 java
      13694 jira      20   0 25.2g 5.5g 496m S  110 11.6 108:55.12 java
      14552 postgres  20   0 11.4g 896m 887m S   39  1.9   4:05.14 postgres
      12496 postgres  20   0 11.4g 897m 890m R   24  1.9   2:07.22 postgres
      14548 postgres  20   0 11.4g 947m 940m R   19  2.0   3:51.61 postgres
      15014 confluen  20   0 16.9g 1.7g 8352 S   13  3.7   1196:28 java
      14238 postgres  20   0 11.4g 1.0g 1.0g S    8  2.1   5:37.47 postgres
      12499 postgres  20   0 11.4g 855m 850m S    8  1.8   2:06.02 postgres
      30049 postgres  20   0 11.4g  78m  73m S    6  0.2   0:02.86 postgres
      17921 postgres  20   0 11.4g  73m  66m S    2  0.2   0:03.98 postgres
       4955 nginx     20   0 50924  17m 2168 S    1  0.0 107:41.21 nginx
      47354 postgres  20   0 11.4g 4344 2168 S    1  0.0   6:24.91 postgres                        

            Unassigned Unassigned
            73f0b2e75f82 Sorin Sbarnea (Citrix)
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            45 Start watching this issue
