Resolution: Unresolved
Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.
Sometimes it makes sense to clone a big set of issues from a project to another, and this can be a cumbersome activity.
It would be good if Cloning was available as a bulk operation.
Hi all, and thank you for sharing your use-cases for this.
This is an area that is on our radar to explore in the coming year. The problem we are looking at solving is around enabling simple use of repetitive tasks in Jira, which may or may not be solved via 'cloning as bulk action'.
I am marking this as 'under consideration' as it is on our roadmap but we are at a point where its too early to tell what the solution will be and exactly when it will ship.
Stay tuned, and we will be reaching out in the coming weeks and months to speak to you directly to ensure we're building the right solution that solves the problem.
Thanks all!
Group Product Manager, Jira
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-71423 Add cloning as a bulk operation
- Closed
- is related to
JRACLOUD-6404 Bulk clone issues, updating certain fields e.g. Version
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-79726 Jira Cloud - having the ability to clone/copy an entire project
- Gathering Interest
JRASERVER-37520 Add cloning as a bulk operation
- Gathering Interest
- was cloned as
JRACLOUD-71423 Add cloning as a bulk operation
- Closed
- mentioned in
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[JRACLOUD-37520] Add cloning as a bulk operation
Hi all, and thank you for sharing your use-cases for this.
This is an area that is on our radar to explore in the coming year. The problem we are looking at solving is around enabling simple use of repetitive tasks in Jira, which may or may not be solved via 'cloning as bulk action'.
I am marking this as 'under consideration' as it is on our roadmap but we are at a point where its too early to tell what the solution will be and exactly when it will ship.
Stay tuned, and we will be reaching out in the coming weeks and months to speak to you directly to ensure we're building the right solution that solves the problem.
Thanks all!
Group Product Manager, Jira
All comments
Templates and automation are more complex than a simple clone functionality, which can be easily triggered and used. Why not implementing something that has so much demand after more than 10 years?
Below is already listed by another user above, But these are exactly same use cases we have:
- Library of requirements (or its subset) is cloned to the new project
- Library of tests or (its subset) is cloned to the new project
- Library of Tasks/Sub-tasks or (its subset) is cloned to the new project as the pattern of such tasks are similar across many projects with very minor differences.
- User wants to create dummy data for dry run / process correctness checking based on the real project data.
When we backport a fix to earlier versions of our product we clone one main Jira for all supported versions and we do this for up to 50 jiras per patch. The cloning work is exponential so instead of cloning once per issue we have to do it up to 4-8 times per issue.
What about this nonsense?
You can import from software to business project inside the same instance but not to another software project?!?
Oh my, my, functionality is already there, this is the clear sign Atlassian doens't want to enable clone functionality for whatever reason.
Another basic functionality which we are waiting for years.
If at least export and import would work as intended for wiki customfields, so we can retain formatting, no work from Atlassian wold be necessary. As of now, we still have broken import with no option to import tables or formatted text, and no bulk clone function.
Or coveted templates functionality.
Hello ldeutsch,
I'm not sure how much you are really dealing and care about users' daily work issues. I commented based on what I see. And this the problem as developing companies take care about money and development/technical point of view but not about the real (bothering) issues.
I do not understand why there is an intention to complicate users life with automation. This automation must be build by somebody and managed somehow.
The request here is very simple:
Allow users to fully bulk clone selected the issues. Some use cases:
- Library of requirements (or its subset) is cloned to the new project
- Library of tests or (its subset) is cloned to the new project
- User wants to create dummy data for dry run / process correctness checking based on the real project data
Key here is the set that shall be cloned. With automation it's necessary to define input set, and it can be difficult. Instead to check issues in the list to be cloned is good. I'm not saying that automation cannot be used, I'm saying allow easy selection of issues to be cloned.
If you want to discuss more user issues, let me know we can meet Atlassian with the rest of our team to present the issues that we face. Some of them:
- not possible to have sandbox instance as 1:1 copy of production
- 3rd party plugins data are store out of Jira Cloud
- loading 3rd party plugins elements sometimes fails
- memory consumption of loaded pages is tremendous - in some case to load one tab consumes 1 GB o memory, opening more tabs makes JIRA/Browser unusable
- Idera Inc. complaining about missing APIs to implement Xray functionalities properly
Hope that helped
Maybe templates would be more useful.
We have a release process we repeat every release, and that will usually be a story with subtasks, which we need to clone every cycle. If we could have a "template story with template subtasks" it could solve the issue.
From a lot of the comments in this thread, it looks like it would also solve their needs.
Hey 0ac814d1a7f9 and others with similar comments - my name is Liron and I'm from the product team at Jira.
Our intent isn't to find 'justification' to build the use-case, as I've stated above we are looking to solve for repeatable tasks in Jira in the coming year. As with any product development process, we will want to ensure we are building the right solution and nailing the problem space, and that is what I was referring to when mentioning further conversations with users like yourselves which will help us validate our solution here once we start exploring the UX and design of the solution.
There is no mal intent, I can assure you, of anyone at Atlassian regarding this issue or others, and yes, we do care about user needs. I would be happy to jump on a call with anyone who would like to discuss this, or any other product issues further.
Let me know and I'll send out a calendly link.
I'm not sure why it's necessary to again and again provide description and justification for obvious/common/basic use cases? Does Atlassian really care about user needs? Moreover when there is 1.5K+votes on this issue and the ticket is open for 10 years.
The only response is that there are paid plugins doing this basic operation.
Unfortunately, concretely the Deep Clone plugin that we are using, still faces problems to fully clone the Jira issues (e.g. Xray related issues) and who wants to pay for something what is working only partially...?!
If I'm not too late, our use case is that, every time a new website goes live (ie. regularly, but in different Jira projects each time), we have a set of tasks that have to be performed. We'd like some way of cloning those (but if we clone epics-with-children, and the children are related to the new epics, that'd be even better).
While I agree that Bulk Cloning would be great, I'd also be interested in seeing what else they come up with (as long as it's additional, and not instead-of).
Thanks ldeutsch for the update.
Bulk Cloning items, or cloning a project with all its content is a very basic feature available in many of your competitors. Cloning an entire project is even an option in Trello!
Atlassian should definitely implement such a basic feature.
Hi all, and thank you for sharing your use-cases for this.
This is an area that is on our radar to explore in the coming year. The problem we are looking at solving is around enabling simple use of repetitive tasks in Jira, which may or may not be solved via 'cloning as bulk action'.
I am marking this as 'under consideration' as it is on our roadmap but we are at a point where its too early to tell what the solution will be and exactly when it will ship.
Stay tuned, and we will be reaching out in the coming weeks and months to speak to you directly to ensure we're building the right solution that solves the problem.
Thanks all!
Group Product Manager, Jira
Logic like below -
1. Based on Jira Rest API, clone
2. Power Automate, create a flow the one run for each issue.
Result for this is - the issue gets cloned one by one. And just like bulk clone.
Actually, based on Jira Automation is able to do the same.
- JQL - Lookup issue
- Branch, and run for issues one by one. Clone 1 by one
This is the function many users want.
As a replacement, I based on Rest API and teams design a "Power Automate" flow.
User is able to clone case based on JQL. If anyone use teams, may try the same
It would be useful for teams doing quarterly planning with repetitive work. In some cases teams are built to determine what epics can be created for the dev teams to do the work on. They do this a lot and requires so much cloning that it becomes a time suck. Another example would be a Kanban team building something regularly and needing to keep their backlog/to do populated with the issues for their work(ie building servers, running the engine type issues, etc)
Hi ldeutsch
Yes, that's an accurate summary.
there is a need for a set of tasks to be re-created in a new/different project (or not necessarily?) when a set of tasks is part of a repeatable process.
As a Jira user
I want to be able to bulk clone issues from an issue search (/issues/)
I want to be able to bulk clone child issues from within a parent
I want to be able to bulk clone issues and specify the project and parent of the cloned issues
So that I do not have to manually duplicate, or export and re-import many individual items every time I need to perform a repeatable process
Hi ldeutsch ,
A recurring example our company applies is to a set of tasks (normally Management and Operational) that are basically the same for every project (Account in the Tempo addon) we do. Currently, I search for these recurring tasks and export them to a CSV file. Then import them back, applying a settings file previously created and saved, and resetting the project / account for the new values.
A different and much less often use case is to migrate (split) issues (Stories, Issues and Improvements) that have had work done, had been suspended, the project terminated, and the client wants to split them to a new project / scope, so the rest of the work can still be done, even if in a new scope.
I think 20338ca9262c is right. There are innumerable use cases for a bulk cloning feature and it would be impossible to articulate them all.
ldeutsch I believe over the 10+ years this ticket has been open that there have been many examples of what we as users are looking for with this functionality. I feel that you asking this question is once again Atlassian stalling and Atlassian has no intention of giving the users what they are asking for. Atlassian is going to lose a lot of customers conducting business in this fashion and will earn a negative name for it as well.
ldeutsch , I think you are correct.
I can give another: handling insurance companies integration, for every new partner there is a set list of activities we must do, and it's basically the same uses stories and subtasks, just changed to a new project, and status reset would be nice.
Hi all, I would love to hear more about the problem this is trying to solve - mainly because cloning in bulk may not be exactly how we would solve it.
My understanding from reading the description is that there is a need for a set of tasks to be re-created in a new/different project (or not necessarily?) when a set of tasks is part of a repeatable process.
So, for example, when managing a marketing campaign, there could be the same set of tasks that a team always needs to get done. So instead of re-creating them every time, you would like to be able to instantly re-create them, ready in the 'todo' column.
Is that correct? If not, what are the differences? Could folks describe the usecases for which they would need something like this?
Group Product Manager, Jira
have never seen 1500 votes on a issue which has not been implemented yet. I would say it is about time....
Even Deep Clone is good it does not cover all clone needs. e.g. elements created by the XRAY plugin are not fully cloned.
This will NEVER be included as an out of box solution because Atlassian does not want to anger or alienate premium plugin authors who make tons of money offering this as a paid plugin.
This is 100% right. The reason companies build platforms and ecosystems is so that they don't have to take on building every last bit of functionality. Should they have built this functionality into the base product? Sure. Will they? Probably not for the reason stated above, coupled with the fact that Atlassian gets a piece of every Marketplace sale, just like Apple and Google do for app sales and in-app purchases in their app stores.
Why bother putting resources on things that to most people seem like fundamental functionality when they can focus on building "high value" features like Atlassian Intelligence? They can let the ecosystem fill the gaps on "low value" features and turn that directly into revenue without lifting a finger.
Welcome to software economics in the 21st century. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
FWIW, we've found Deep Clone to be excellent for this.
We have been using the importer tool as a workaround to not being able to bulk-clone tickets–it's not ideal and has its own limitations, but does allow us to generate most tickets needed for specific project-types in a release.
Now, Jira Cloud is stating that the importer tool is going to be restricted to Site and Org admins (starting in April; full roll out by end of June 2024). This is going to eliminate the seemingly closest solution we have within my org, as most users are not Site or Org Admins.
There is an open suggestion ticket to REMOVE this new update before it is rolled out for anyone who is interested:
We would love to see the bulk-clone feature come to life ASAP.
@valdamir I agree with your concerns about the likely limitations of a full data map even with bulk-clone added.
However, let's not give Atlassian any excuses to avoid turning on the first, required, simple capability: Very similar to bulk move, Allow customers to pick N issues and do the equivalent of hitting the "clone" button in the drop down menu. That's all.
Let's start there and keep the request simple and clear in front of Atlassian. There should be no excuses on this simple request. Let the add-in folks make their money on the more complex mapping and field resetting options.
At this point, it's pretty much safe to say, that Atlassian is full of ****. You pretty much get forced to their cloud with the deprecation of the server version (and the atrocious license model that data center is), and yet the cloud is missing essential features that our teams (and obviously many other teams as well) can't live without. Medium-term, we will abandon Atlassian products and move away from this arrogant company. We already started to reduce our general dependency on their products.
" added a comment - Yesterday
This will NEVER be included as an out of box solution because Atlassian does not want to anger or alienate premium plugin authors who make tons of money offering this as a paid plugin."
Yet simultanously, Atlassian buys out competing plug-ins that have also HAD THIS cloning functionality, but mysteriously afterwards Atlassian have shut them down and never incorporated this functionality into their own products.
Unfortunately, even with that paid plugins it's not possible to get full (bulk) clone functionality. When additional plugins such as Xray are used data are spread in plugin vendors' clouds and it's impossible to get full "data map" to clone them fully.
I do not understand why Jira Cloud is designed in such strange way and it will bring only troubles and headaches one day...
This will NEVER be included as an out of box solution because Atlassian does not want to anger or alienate premium plugin authors who make tons of money offering this as a paid plugin.
This was entered 10 YEARS ago. Why has this not been addressed at this point? Because they literally dont give a fuck.
This is maddening. Emily Ditchfield should explain a bit more to customers about why this capability is not provided. Simply saying "many factors" is not sufficient. Please comment on
1) Has the interest not met some threshold?
2) Is there something about the implementation that violates some other constraints?
3) Are the revenue generating/sharing relationships with bulk-clone add-in providers in the way?
The lack of an ability to easily clone-move all my deferred issues to the next project is crazy. I find myself googling/GPT'ing over and over thinking that I must be missing something.
BTW, this is +1 up-vote if you can't tell
+1 this would save LOTS of time, but i assume you already know that. In Cloud does cloning and Epic clone is linked stories? We have server for now (upgrading soon)
Yes please! Many Product Managers would appreciate this feature as a time saver.
Bulk Move is already there why not Bulk Clone/Copy? It is basic feature.
Why customers should pay for this feature through extra plugin in? Revenue...? Even e.g. Deep Clone plugin is really good it does not cover all possibilities - mainly when other issue types are added by another external plugin e.g. Xray.
The architecture when data are served and stored out of Jira already brings and will bring even more troubles in the future. Already now it's obvious slowness when these plugins are loading visual elements and data.
+ 5 from our entire PM team
We're a consulting company that has projects that are very similar and our processes require the same steps in order to effectively scope and execute a project. We already are planning to spend money on Add Ons, which we are happy to do as this feature seems to be overlooked as a necessity. This is the type of thing that splits our PM team and makes them want to leave JIRA. Please add this feature.
When are you planning to do such a useful and basic functionality?
Bulk clone is standard on other testing tools and ridiculous that Atlassian cannot be bothered to sort out.
Would rather point you to add ons that are chargeable where I am sure they take money for recommending.
They concentrate on messing permissions and other features that are not useful at all
For us, this features determines whether we move to the cloud or stay on-prem (or abandon Jira in general, which is likely).
Atlassian has been gathering interest for almost a decade on this, or more likely they are just letting 3rd party developers create the functionality for them and dipping into that sale without having to do anything.
Atlassian is really dropping the ball on this matter. This is an enhancement that is truly needed. This functionality is included on the server version however, Atlassian is deciding to discontinue the server version This is not available in cloud version? How does that make sense? Atlassian should be ashamed of themselves as a company.
@Emily Ditchfield why would this be tracked for 9 years. It is clear there is an overwhelming need. How long can you gather Interest and what does it mean there is a need for more unique votes?
I don't normally comment on here - and I also do not necessarily pick this feature as my mountain to die on (there would be others ) - but it would be great if we could get some feedback / visibility into things like which feature this one might be competing against, challenges that adding this feature would / could present in implementation, etc.
I certainly understand and have appreciation for the difficulties that a product development roadmap presents and as such it would just be really good to have better visibility into where / how things are ranked in terms of priority and what is driving that.
Having said that, it would certainly be a fine line between providing that visibility and opening oneself up to the vitriol that the soap box that is the internet presents, so I'll leave the request here and leave it to your judgement. Thank you.
Hi Emily,
This issue is FAR beyond the "gathering interest" stage, don't you think? As a project manager myself, I understand the impact to scope that adding an additional feature that was not planned for a given period can have. However, I also understand that the volume of user feedback for a particular feature is an important driver in determining what a PM decides to either add to scope or ignore (maybe plan for later). This issue has been going on for a substantial time now and so many users have requested it, that I would think you would prioritize it into your scope for implementation, otherwise you are not listening to your users and your "gathering interest" statement would be seen as disingenuous. It would be far better, IMO, to just say we have decided not to implement this feature, so that people could move on and forget about it, rather than continuing to hope it is ever going to get added.
Thanks everyone who left comments and reached out to me to give me more detail here. We really appreciate the time taken, it's been very informative.
For now this capability is still in gathering interest, we will keep you posted on this JAC ticket on any updates to our plans for this functionality.
Emily Ditchfield
Product Manager, Jira Software
Bulk cloning is a needed functionality as soon as possible. Cloning on an issue by issue basis is time consuming and not efficient process at all.
if you don't allow for template issues at least let us clone all children in a ticket...
Similar to the previous few comments:
We would like to set up a skeleton "project" in Jira which contains a significant amount of base content (Epics, stories, subtasks, attachments). Every time we have a new Customer/Project, we would like to create a copy of the skeleton "project" which can then be adapted/modified for the specific customer company.
Currently, we are doing it with export/bulk import but it's less than ideal.
I can +1 the previous comments and use cases, especially the one mentioned by Anna: cloning Epics and the tasks under them. Currently there is no way to do this natively in Jira.
We use these for various reasons, including in projects when for example a certain work package or additional work is ordered for a project. In these cases we just need to copy a suitable Epic and its tasks, whereas using a project template creator (like Delegated Project Creator for Jira) or blueprints is too overkill and not suitable to cloning just a handful of issues.
Similar to Baptiste's comment, we have sets of steps that we repeat for onboarding new team members/partners that may need to be assigned to different teams to implement, as well as a set of tasks that happens each time we launch a new website, etc. So our ideal structure is a template ticket that has 20+ subtask tickets underneath it that we want to clone each time (so that each subtask ticket can be assigned to the right person.)
As of now, we've had to create a single ticket we can clone with a checklist of the 20+ items inside it, but that can only be assigned to one person, so creates a lot of extra work in tracking and communicating, which could be avoided with the ability to clone a whole set of tickets (tasks and subtasks.)
Another similar need would be to clone an Epic with all its tasks underneath it all at once (though for our particular needs the task with subtasks makes more sense.)
Hope that helps!
Emily, our use case is very similar to the previous comments. We have set, repeatable tasks that should be followed for each of our teams "services" that get used over and over again. Being able to clone as opposed to uploading a CSV file would be a big improvement, as users get to stay within Jira instead of leaving Jira to put together an excel file for upload. It would be a lot more intuitive for users to clone, they go there now anyways.
Our use case : we do out of the box deployments of applications, we have a set of projects we call templates and for each new deployment we bulk duplicate our template into a new deployment project with all the associated info (original estimates, predecessor/successor links, descriptions, etc..)
Currently we use a plug in (Deep Clone) which does the job (except for checklists) but this would be great to have it within Jira and not to have to pay for such a basic functionality.
Emily, very basic use case: Having a project we consider as a template, with a lot of cards with pre-filled text checklists etc, that we would like to clone/copy
2 examples:
- Employees onboardings. Each Jira issue is a task, with instructions, sub-tasks, objectives, etc. Having a template that we can clone for each new hire would be helpful, instead of creating each project and issue one by one
- Sales leads management. One project per prospect, all cloned from a template.
Hi Everyone,
I'm interested in getting more details about your use cases for bulk cloning. Is anyone keen for a quick 30 minute chat?
Please feel free to respond here with your email address or book directly via this link: https://calendly.com/emditchfield/customer-chat
Emily Ditchfield
Product Manager, Jira Software
+300 users from here... why is such a basic functionality still absent from Cloud? It was present in Server until Atlassian bought the add-on provider and shut them down... still haven't seen the same features implemented into Cloud.
+1. Before tickets need to move on another project which linked to automated cases (test using xray), it would be great to have cloning issues at a time
This would be extremely useful, especially with using tests through Xray. Cloning one issue at a time is very time consuming.
I use fixVersions and Epics with my sprint planning. I have many repeatable stories that are attached to different Epics. Cloning each story one at at time is so time consuming and frustrating. Please make changes to allow multiple story cloning.
We'll begin working on a bulk clone feature in the coming weeks. We can update later on what the ETA will be as we learn more.
If anyone is keen to participate in early testing, can you drop me an email on eryan@atlassian.com?
Product manager