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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-37183

Attaching sceenshot through More Actions tab redirects me to oracle page.


    • Icon: Support Request Support Request
    • Resolution: Support Request
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Java 7 v51 has been updated on my PC and created an issue in Jira (v4.1.1#522) in IE8.

      Attaching a sceeshot through More actions tab in the created issue redirects me to oracle web page.

      Does all versions of Jira supports Java7 v51 or any particular? Or any security settings need to be changed?

      Thanks in advance.

        1. Actual.PNG
          317 kB
        2. Expected.PNG
          49 kB
        3. More Actions.PNG
          More Actions.PNG
          36 kB
        4. Screenshot - 1.PNG
          Screenshot - 1.PNG
          250 kB
        5. Screenshot - 2.PNG
          Screenshot - 2.PNG
          167 kB
        6. Screenshot - 3.PNG
          Screenshot - 3.PNG
          223 kB
        7. Screenshot - 4.PNG
          Screenshot - 4.PNG
          84 kB
        8. Security Settings.PNG
          Security Settings.PNG
          53 kB

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              6de4f9e5467d kundan gujju
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