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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-36973

Setting Personal WIP or WIP limits per user


    • 2
    • 10
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Hello JIRA team,

      I would like to propose an enhancement for JIRA that will IMO benefit all agile/lean teams out there.


      AS a team member

      I WANT jira to stop me from going above my defined WIP limit

      SO that I can stop starting and start finalizing

      Scenarios (examples based on classes of services aka CoS)

      GIVEN an attempt to assign an issue to a user

      WHEN the issue is expedite and there is one current expedite issue assigned

      THEN do not accept the assignment

      WHEN the issue is non expedite (fixed delivery date, standard or intangible) and there are two current non expedite issues assigned

      THEN do not accept the assignment

      Implementation proposal (applicable to any kind of scenarios including the above)

      Note how the two WHEN can be expressed as a JQL filter, an operator and a result count. Let us call them Personal WIP rules:

      filter, operator, count

      PWIP rule1: CoS = "expedite", <=, 1

      PWIP rule2: CoS in ("fixed delivery date", "standard", "intangible"), <=, 2

      These rules should be assigned to user roles.

      Suppose some user (the originator) attempts to assign a candidate issue to another user or self (the target). The system will count the current tickets assigned based on the filter rules for the target user, will apply the filter rules for the candidate issue and if a filter condition is matched then the count will increase for that filter. The rules will trigger and only if the user can accept the ticket the operation will be successful.

      In fact the target user should not even be presented as a candidate to resolve the ticket. At a minimum, as stated above, the validation of the submission should fail. The result should be an error like "Could not perform this action. Personal WIP limit reached"


      • Nestor

            Unassigned Unassigned
            206fe5f45714 Nestor Urquiza
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