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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-36965

Dashboard Not Showing On Some Computers


    • Icon: Support Request Support Request
    • Resolution: Support Request
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • None
    • 6.1.2
    • None

      i`m recently updated my office`s jira to 6.1.2
      unfortunately on some computers at the office, jira doshboard doesn`t show with any of browsers.
      and other function`s like project roles not visible either! in not depends on permissions because i have dashboard on my system but when i logged in (with my own account) to another computer that have problem i can`t see my dashboard! here some pictures for that problem.
      please help me to resolve that issue because i have over 80 computers at the office but 50 of them doesn`t have jira dashboard!

        1. Untitled.png
          186 kB
          Arash Aghamirzayi
        2. Untitled2.png
          191 kB
          Arash Aghamirzayi

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            da1a557903c3 Arash Aghamirzayi
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