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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-33477

Allow multiple email addresses to be associated with one user


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Using OnDemand JIRA 6.0.x (whatever the latest on-demand is)

      If I go to:

      Tools -> User Management
      Then I find a user and click: Edit

      I cannot add multiple email addresses. This edit profile dialog should allow administrators to associate multiple email addresses with a JIRA account.

      What would be the purpose of this?


      I have developers that have multiple email addresses for support reasons. If they try to raise an issue via email or add a comment to an issue via email and are signed into an email account not registered with JIRA - then JIRA doesn't know what to do with the email that it received (if you have create new users via email disabled - which we do). JIRA not knowing what to do with the unrecognizable email address is understandable.

      However we should be able to associate multiple email addresses with one JIRA user, so then JIRA will correctly be able to raise Issues or add comments to existing issues.

      It is really irritating that JIRA does not support this. This means all developers need to inconveniently log out of their email and log into another email account OR mess with their email account settings and temporarily change their "sent from" setting to show the email address registered with JIRA. Sometimes switching "sent from" or email accounts means we can't do a simple cc / bcc: to our JIRA system as the email we need to send for support reasons needs to show up as sent from an email that is not registered with the JIRA user. So then it is a bunch more work to copy / paste stuff around and switch out the accounts to the correct email account registered with JIRA.

      This is incredibly inconvenient and wastes a lot of time. Developers find this really annoying and say not so nice things. :-D

            Unassigned Unassigned
            296c764bbb88 Harrison Fortier
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