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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-3286

Extends TimeTracking to comprehensive work+project reports for Projectmanagement


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • any - general feature request.
      I am currently using 2.5.3 !
    • 1
    • 6
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      The feature "timetracking", which activated the 'developer workload report' is already a nice feature for basic logging of work.

      The estimation of work could be used for project management to check estimated workload of developer, re-assign tasks/improvements for future versions to reduce over-all time needed to finish a future version etc.
      Currently it's very difficult to check the man-power resources and there workload.

      I'd like to suggest some enhancements to make this more usable for the project management:

      1. Allow ProjectManager to check estimated Workload of all developer

      Developers sometimes work for more than one project simultaneously.
      The developer workload report already takes this into account by reporting the workload of the developer over all projects. From the point of a developer, the "workload report" is fine, but from the point of a project manager it's difficult because she needs to generate the report for every developer.
      Would be much easier when report is created for all project and for all developer. This could be a bit tricky with permissions, well, right. But for project manager it would be perfect to get a table like this (JRA and OTHER are projects):

      Developer Workload-JRA Workload-OTHER
      Martin Skopp 8h 1w 2d 3h
      Scott Farquhar 120h 20h
      Owen Fellows 48h 35h

      See also JRA-3111 for another idea how to improve the report.

      2. Adding "Versions" for Workload report
      Addtionally to 1., I would appreciate to get a Workload for single project over all developers and versions, e.g.

      Workload report for Project JIRA (JRA):
      Developer 2.6.1 2.7
      Martin Skopp 8h 1w 2d 3h
      Scott Farquhar 120h 20h
      Owen Fellows 4,5d (z) 35h

      Optionally, it would be nice to allow the user to select the unit for the work, e.g. standard, like or in hours or in days (z).

      3. Add date/time field to Log Work on issues
      Sometimes, I forget to log my work on a issue and want to log my work the next day. No problem, this is possible, but the date of the worklog entry is created by JIRA. I would appreciate that the reporter can soecify a start date of the worklog. This would allow the forgetful developers like me to create more accurate worklog entries.

      4. The worklog entries could be used by project management to monitor progress within a new version.
      The problem is that there are no reports available for project management to check which work has been done e.g. during the last week or days. Yeah, one can filter all issues which changed within the last days, but a real "worklog report" or filtering on worklog entries would be very nice.
      Filter properties:
      Project = JRA
      Version = 2.6.1
      Worklogs = -1w to 0 (=relative date one week ago up to today)

      Result: all worklog entries (not the issues!) which match.

      5. Worklog entries do not appear in filter results! This makes it really difficult for project management to monitor work logs (well it's possible via notification, right).
      So it would be great if optionally display of worklog entries could be enabled in a filter result somehow.
      Maybe this is obsoleted by 4. already...

      So that's it! The basic feature request is "make it more easy for project manager to check estimated workload and development success".
      For any more questions etc. please do not hesitate to contact me.
      Thanks for reading this long issue.

      P.S.: I really love JIRA, really.

      Martin Skopp

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              c054ace468ed Martin Skopp
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