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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-4442

The "View Settings" page of a Roadmap plan is blank due to an invalid "Colour by" configuration

This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more


      Issue Summary

      If the View Settings page of a plan is configured with a Colour By configuration pointing to an unavailable issue type, this page will fail to load. It will be blank, and the following error will be thrown:

      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

      Steps to replicate

      • Create 2 projects (for example, one project called SCRUM, and one called KANBAN)
      • Create 2 issue type schemes, and make sure that one scheme has an extra issue type not availabe in the other scheme
      • Associate each project with a different issue type scheme. For example, in the example below, the SCRUM project is associated to the scheme that has an extra issue type (Initiative type). The Initiative type is not available to the KANBAN project:
      • Create a new plan, and add the SCRUM project as the source
      • Open the View Settings menu from the plan, and associate a colour to the issue type "Initiative" via the Colour by setting:
      • Change the plan source by replacing the project SCRUM with the KANBAN project as the source:
      • Try to open View Settings menu from the plan

      Expected Results

      The View Settings should open

      Actual Results

      • The page is blank, with the error "something went wrong" at the bottom
      • When clicking on the View Log button, the following stack trace is shown:
      Stack Trace
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
          at https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts.js:5:1328412
          at Array.map (<anonymous>)
          at n.issueTypeIdsToOptions (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts.js:5:1328347)
          at https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts.js:5:1329683
          at Array.map (<anonymous>)
          at n.value (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-simple-plans-scripts.js:5:1331086)
          at Oi (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts.js:63:62954)
          at ki (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts.js:63:62749)
          at zi (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts.js:63:66587)
          at La (https://linux-31012.prod.atl-cd.net/jira/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/zdizrv/820015/1dlckms/8.20.15/_/download/batch/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts/com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-wr-page-portfolio-frontend-vendor-scripts.js:63:90412)

      Root Cause of the bug

      Basically, what happens is this:

      • when loading a plan, the following happens:
        • all the issue types available in the issue type scheme(s) associated to the project(s) configured in the plan source are loaded
        • the settings from each plan view are also loaded, including the Colour by setting
      • when clicking on View Settings, the following happens:
        • Jira tries to display the current view setting by loading all the colour/issue type mappings
        • if the colour/issue type mapping has a reference to an issue type that was not loaded, the page will be blank due to the error "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')"


      Workaround 1

      Create a new plan. With new plans, the Colour by setting is empty by default, therefore the error will not occur and the View Settings page will load.

      Workaround 2

      This workaroud is trickier, because you will need to identify which issue type is missing, and then:

      • either add the missing issue type to the issue type scheme associated to the project coming from the plan source
      • or find a project that contains the missing type, and change the plan source to use that project indeed as the source

      Fore more details about these workarounds, you can also refer to the KB article linked below:

        1. Step1.png
          125 kB
        2. Step2.png
          155 kB
        3. Step3.png
          459 kB
        4. Step4.png
          154 kB
        5. Step5.png
          128 kB
        6. Step6.png
          752 kB

              dzhang Dan Zhang
              jrey Julien Rey
              atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
