Issue Summary
Following a full (foreground) Jira reindex, JQL queries that involve Portfolio custom field values return incorrect results. Boards that are based on such queries also suffer from the same problem.
This custom fields affected are:
- A subtask’s parent’s Team
- An issue's Target Start and Target End dates
- An issue's Original Story Points
Versions Affected
Jira >= 8.1 and Portfolio >= 3.18
The problem was introduced when adding support for archived issues. This support was added in Jira 8.1 and Portfolio 3.18. You must be running these (or subsequent) versions of both Jira and Portfolio for this problem to surface.
Steps to Reproduce
- In Jira admin, run a full index (not a background index)
- Run a JQL query that includes a subquery for a custom field value
The subquery can be IS EMPTY, IS NOT EMPTY, = <specific value>
Expected Results
The issues found should include/exclude issues according to the sub-query.
For example, Team = <Team Name> should include all issues assigned to the nominated team and their sub-tasks.
Boards based on such queries should correctly include/exclude issues.
Actual Results
The issues found do not take into account the sub-query.
For example, sub-tasks whose parent issue is assigned to the team are excluded.
Boards based on such queries incorrectly include/exclude issues.
If you are not in a position to upgrade to JPOS 3.21, a background index typically resolves the issue, ie. the custom field values are correctly indexed in this case.
Once you have upgraded to JPOS 3.21, a re-index will be necessary to correct the incomplete index. This can be done using either a full or background index.
- causes
JPOSERVER-2727 JQL searches using "Target end" or "Target Start" dates return 0 or incorrect results
- Closed
JPOSERVER-2729 Updating a sub-task from the edit screen with the JPO Teams field exposed and inherited from Parent removes the Team
- Closed
JPO-4140 Loading...
PS-52197 Loading...
PS-53300 Loading...
- blocks
PS-60873 Loading...
- was cloned as
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