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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-268

Create and link multiple JIRA issues per story, one for each skill

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    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • JIRA feedback is collected from a number of different sources and is evaluated when planning the product roadmap. If you would like to know more about how JIRA Product Management uses customer input during the planning process, please see our post on Atlassian Answers.


      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Portfolio Server. Using JIRA Portfolio Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      The use case we frequently have is:

      • 2 or more team members should be scheduled to work on one task, at the same time (if possible).

      In the same way that Portfolio can create and link one JIRA issue per stage, it would be great to have one issue per skill, with one dedicated assignee each. Portfolio should then try to schedule these at the same time, just like it does for Epic bundles now.

      What we do at the moment is create 2 stories/issues, and put them into the same release, and hope they get scheduled at the same time. This kind of works, but puts some wrong functionality in the release stream.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              9851c9c04ad4 Juri von Krause
              atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal

