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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-1488

"Completion date" filter should not default to "beginning of sprint" when plan has no sprints

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    • JIRA feedback is collected from a number of different sources and is evaluated when planning the product roadmap. If you would like to know more about how JIRA Product Management uses customer input during the planning process, please see our post on Atlassian Answers.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Portfolio Server. Using JIRA Portfolio Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      The default value for the Completion date filter is "Completed since beginning of current sprint", even when the plan contains no sprints (e.g. has only Kanban teams). This leads to counterintuitive behaviour, as people may not realise why completed issues are not being shown.

      Either the Completion date filter should default to another value (e.g. "This month"), or the UI should otherwise make it clear why completed issues are not showing.

        1. completed issues progress.png
          117 kB
        2. missing done issues.png
          106 kB

            [JPOSERVER-1488] "Completion date" filter should not default to "beginning of sprint" when plan has no sprints

            Pierre EK added a comment -

            can we know how this was fixed?

            In the UI, there is no filters showing on completion date, yet issues are being filtered (apparently) on completion date in the last 30 days

            Pierre EK added a comment - can we know how this was fixed? In the UI, there is no filters showing on completion date, yet issues are being filtered (apparently) on completion date in the last 30 days

            +1 - Agree with Josh, this should really be a bug rather than a "suggestion". It kills the benefits of using Portfolio and its progress tracking in a Kanban context.


            Maarten Raemdonck added a comment - +1 - Agree with Josh, this should really be a bug rather than a "suggestion". It kills the benefits of using Portfolio and its progress tracking in a Kanban context.  

            Agree. While there is a workaround, the default behaviour is not intuitive and wastes time on both sides (see: JPO-1575).

            Chris Anderson added a comment - Agree. While there is a workaround, the default behaviour is not intuitive and wastes time on both sides (see: JPO-1575 ).

            +1 This should be marked as "Bug" instead of "Suggestion"  

            It's a major issue for us that makes it difficult/annoying to use Portfolio for anything. The major appeal of Portfolio is being able to see progress of business initiatives at a high level. 

            Josh Higgins added a comment - +1 This should be marked as "Bug" instead of "Suggestion"   It's a major issue for us that makes it difficult/annoying to use Portfolio for anything. The major appeal of Portfolio is being able to see progress of business initiatives at a high level. 

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mgocevska Maja (Inactive)
              atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
