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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-1406

[Portfolio Live] Teams and Members don't seem to always get read from the JIRA issue assigne

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 1.12.3
    • None

      This version is specifically: 1.12.5-OD-001-D20160405T074619 in JIRA Portfolio Cloud (couldn't pick it in the Affects version list)

      I made a Test Project with existing Epics, Stories, and Subtasks where they had assignees set.

      I made a Live Portfolio with a team that contains these assignees, and sourced issues from the Test Project.

      On display of the Scope tab only some items were given a Team, and Members. It doesn't seem to read the member from the Assignee field. There is also no ability to say "Calculate" for the member vs using what is the current Assignee for the Sub-Task, Story, or Epic.

      Am I understanding this correctly?

      Here's a screenshot that contrasts what JIRA sees:

      And how Live Portfolio isn't reflecting it:

      Is there a "force load data" I need to press?

        1. Screen_Shot_2016-04-19_at_9_14_04_PM.png
          181 kB
          Hubert Sugeng
        2. Screen_Shot_2016-04-19_at_9_14_35_PM.png
          141 kB
          Hubert Sugeng
        3. Screen_Shot_2016-04-20_at_11_05_21_AM.png
          173 kB
          Hubert Sugeng
        4. Screen_Shot_2016-04-20_at_11_06_13_AM.png
          176 kB
          Hubert Sugeng
        5. Screen_Shot_2016-05-17_at_10_27_26_AM.png
          71 kB
          Hubert Sugeng

            Unassigned Unassigned
            46f71c33a459 Hubert Sugeng
            atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
