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  1. Automation for Jira Server

Not all Jira fields are available via smart values when using the "Issue Deleted" trigger.


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Smart-values
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Issue Summary

      Not all the Jira fields are available via smart values when using the "Issue Deleted" trigger.

      Some examples of fields which cannot be accessed via smart values are listed below (please note that the list might not be complete):

      • Any Version Type field (for example: "Fix Version/s")
      • The Components field

      Steps to replicate

      1. Create a 1st Automation rule as described below:
        • Trigger: "Issue Deleted"
        • Add a bunch of log actions which are meant to print in the audit log various issue fields, such as the ones listed below. Note that the customfield_10500 in the list below is just a Custom Field of Text Type:
          Issue key: {{issue.key}}
          Project: {{issue.project.name}}
          Summary: {{issue.summary}}
          Description: {{issue.description}}
          URL: {{issue.url}}
          Issue Type: {{issue.issuetype.name}}
          Status: {{issue.status.name}}
          Resolution: {{issue.resolution.name}}
          Assignee: {{issue.assignee.displayName}}
          Reporter: {{issue.reporter.displayName}}
          Fixed Versions {{issue.fixVersions.name}}
          Labels: {{issue.labels}}
          Components: {{issue.components.name}}
          Some Custom Field: {{issue.customfield_10500}}

      2. Create a 2nd Automation rule as described below:
        • Trigger: "Manual Trigger"
        • Add the exact same log actions as the ones from the 1st rule
      3. Create a new Jira issue, and add values to all the fields used by the log actions of the automation rules below (components, labels, summary, description, assignee, reporter...)
      4. Trigger the 2nd automation from the Jira issue, via the More > Automation Rule 2 Name option
      5. Go to the audit log of the 2nd automation rule and check the values printed by the log actions
      6. Delete the issue
      7. Go to the audit log of the 1st automation rule and check the values printed by the log actions

      Expected Results

      Both automation rules should show some values for all the fields used by the log actions.

      Actual Results

      • The 2nd automation rule (the one using the manual trigger) is showing a value for all the fields in the log actions
      • The 1st automation rule (the one using the "Issue Deleted" trigger) is not showing any value for the Components and Fix Version/s fields


      There is no workaround at the moment.

        1. StepsToReplicate4.png
          157 kB
        2. StepsToReplicate3.png
          151 kB
        3. StepsToReplicate2.png
          122 kB
        4. StepsToReplicate1.png
          164 kB
        5. Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 16.53.06.png
          Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 16.53.06.png
          29 kB
        6. Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 16.44.36.png
          Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 16.44.36.png
          163 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              8d241b947074 Baris Ilhan
              6 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
