Resolution: Fixed
7.4.0, 8.0.0, 9.0.2, 9.0.3
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Automation rules might skip some events if other automation rules are taking more than 5 min to complete.
Impact any Automation For Jira (A4J) version on Server/Data Center.
Steps to Replicate
- Create several automation rules to be triggered on the same event (for example "Field Value Changed")
- Make sure that 1 one these automation rule takes > 5 min to complete (by having it edit a very high number of issues for example)
- Trigger all the rules together by updating an issue
- Check the audit logs of all the rules to see if they were all triggered
Expected Results
All the rules should be triggered and process the event.
Actual Results
- Only a few rules are triggered (some rules missed the event)
- Checking the Jira application logs, the exception below is thrown:
2023-11-07 09:59:18,905+0100 automation-rule-executor:thread-3 ERROR some_user [c.c.j.p.a.service.execution.JiraThreadLocalExecutor] Unexpected error in thread local executor with actorKey 'some_user'. java.lang.IllegalStateException: There is no execution wih id=TenantExecution{tenantExecution=TenantExecution{tenantContext=TenantContext{environment=prod, clientKey='com.codebarrel.tenant.global', tenantId=TenantId{id='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000bbbbbb'}}, executionUuid='c463420f-d3ae-41cb-9f4c-7d0122769999'}, auditItemId='10360381'} at com.codebarrel.automation.api.execution.DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.lambda$gerRuleInfo$2(DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.java:108) at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:290) at com.codebarrel.automation.api.execution.DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.gerRuleInfo(DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.java:108) at com.codebarrel.automation.api.execution.DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.arriveAndNotifyIfRequired(DefaultExecutionFinishSynchronizer.java:76) at com.codebarrel.automation.api.service.SingleRuleExecutorServiceImpl.execute(SingleRuleExecutorServiceImpl.java:257) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.queue.JiraAutomationQueueExecutor.lambda$processClaimedItem$3(JiraAutomationQueueExecutor.java:275) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.service.execution.JiraThreadLocalExecutor.lambda$executeAs$0(JiraThreadLocalExecutor.java:37) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.service.execution.JiraThreadLocalExecutor.executeAsWithResult(JiraThreadLocalExecutor.java:67) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.service.execution.JiraThreadLocalExecutor.executeAsWithResult(JiraThreadLocalExecutor.java:53) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.service.execution.JiraThreadLocalExecutor.executeAs(JiraThreadLocalExecutor.java:36) at com.codebarrel.jira.plugin.automation.queue.JiraAutomationQueueExecutor.lambda$processClaimedItem$4(JiraAutomationQueueExecutor.java:275)
Explanation behind this bug
This bug is a combination of 2 factors:
- the fact that events to be processed by automation rules are stored in the cache and cleared if they haven't been accessed by a rule for more than 5min
- the fact that one of the rule that is supposed to process this event is taking more than 5 min to complete
When multiple rules need to process the same event, Automation For Jira loops over each rule 1 by 1 to process this event. If one of the rule that is processing the event takes more than 5 min to complete, the following happens:
- the event gets cleared from the cache
- the exception above is thrown in the Jira logs
- Automation For Jira exits the loop even though there were still some rules left to process the event
- ultimately, some rules miss the event and don't get triggered
There is unfortunately no ideal/easy workaround for this bug, other than:
- identifying which rule is taking more than 5 min to process the event that was missed by other rules
- either disabling this rule, or optimizing it so that it takes less than 5 min to complete