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  1. Automation for Jira Server

Automatically try again to send an outbound webhook in case the 1st attempt failed due to connection failure


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      Issue Description:

      Automation for Jira come out-of-the-box with built-in actions that are meant to send outbound Webhook to an external application, such as:

      • Send Microsoft Teams message
      • Send Slack Message
      • Send web request

      In case the connection to the external application (MS Team, Jenkins, Slack, etc...) is not successful, the rule fails and A4J does not try to send again the Webhook. As a result, in case of a slight network issue, the automation rule fails and is not executed again.


      Change the way these rule actions work, so that they automatically try a 2nd time to send the Webhook to external applications in case of network issues.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            9dec92182c8f AviGhosh
            44 Vote for this issue
            25 Start watching this issue
