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  1. Automation for Jira Server

Automation Rules hit java string limit due to Wait for response before continuing option

    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 0
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      Atlassian Update – 9 May 2023

      Dear Customers,

      Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog.

      The workaround for this bug is provided in the description. 

      Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work.

      Best regards

      Natalia Wróblewska

      Senior Developer

      Atlassian Update – 9 May 2023 Dear Customers, Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog. The workaround for this bug is provided in the description.  Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work. Best regards Natalia Wróblewska Senior Developer


      When an automation rule with several webhooks has the option Wait for response before continuing ticked, Jira runs into an out of memory error.
      When this option is ticked, Automation for Jira stores the webhook responses in a char[] array/string object. When there are enough webhook responses in one automation rule with this option selected, the size of the stored responses increases exponentially and eventually hits java's limit for string size, and ends up with an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit error.


      Automation for Jira

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an automation rule with a large amount of webhooks (30+ or more). The size of the webhook responses determine how early the OOME shows up.
      2. Tick the Wait for response before continuing option.
      3. Trigger the automation rule.

      Expected Results

      Automation rule completes successfully, triggering all webhooks.

      Actual Results

      Automation rule is terminated (at times doesn't get logged), and the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit shows up in the application logs.


      • Turn off the Wait for response before continuing when using an automation rule that triggers a large amount of webhooks
      • Instead of one large automation rule with many webhooks, split it up into smaller automation rules with less webhooks each.
      • As a preventive measure, you can search for A4J rules that make use of webhooks with the DB query below, and ensure that Wait for response before continuing is disabled for the rules that show up.
        select distinct a4jrule."NAME" from
                "AO_589059_RULE_CFG_COMPONENT" comp 
                join "AO_589059_RULE_CONFIG" a4jrule
                        on comp."RULE_CONFIG_ID" = a4jrule."ID" 
        where comp."TYPE" like '%webhook%';

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Automation for Jira Server'
            1. Automation for Jira Server
            2. JIRAAUTOSERVER-575

            Automation Rules hit java string limit due to Wait for response before continuing option

              • Severity 2 - Major
              • 0
              • Hide
                Atlassian Update – 9 May 2023

                Dear Customers,

                Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog.

                The workaround for this bug is provided in the description. 

                Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work.

                Best regards

                Natalia Wróblewska

                Senior Developer

                Atlassian Update – 9 May 2023 Dear Customers, Thank you for taking the time to file and comment on this issue. We realize it still occurs and impacts your organization. We are now working on multiple customer requests and on new features, so we have to postpone our resolution of this issue. We’ve decided to move this issue to our long-term backlog. The workaround for this bug is provided in the description.  Please continue watching this ticket for future updates and changes in the timeline that impacts your work. Best regards Natalia Wróblewska Senior Developer


                When an automation rule with several webhooks has the option Wait for response before continuing ticked, Jira runs into an out of memory error.
                When this option is ticked, Automation for Jira stores the webhook responses in a char[] array/string object. When there are enough webhook responses in one automation rule with this option selected, the size of the stored responses increases exponentially and eventually hits java's limit for string size, and ends up with an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit error.


                Automation for Jira

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create an automation rule with a large amount of webhooks (30+ or more). The size of the webhook responses determine how early the OOME shows up.
                2. Tick the Wait for response before continuing option.
                3. Trigger the automation rule.

                Expected Results

                Automation rule completes successfully, triggering all webhooks.

                Actual Results

                Automation rule is terminated (at times doesn't get logged), and the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit shows up in the application logs.


                • Turn off the Wait for response before continuing when using an automation rule that triggers a large amount of webhooks
                • Instead of one large automation rule with many webhooks, split it up into smaller automation rules with less webhooks each.
                • As a preventive measure, you can search for A4J rules that make use of webhooks with the DB query below, and ensure that Wait for response before continuing is disabled for the rules that show up.
                  select distinct a4jrule."NAME" from
                          "AO_589059_RULE_CFG_COMPONENT" comp 
                          join "AO_589059_RULE_CONFIG" a4jrule
                                  on comp."RULE_CONFIG_ID" = a4jrule."ID" 
                  where comp."TYPE" like '%webhook%';

                        5b2ccddb8927 Anna Przybycień
                        6d6f6a289aac Konde
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        6 Start watching this issue


                            5b2ccddb8927 Anna Przybycień
                            6d6f6a289aac Konde
                            Affected customers:
                            3 This affects my team
                            6 Start watching this issue
