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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4320

Scrum to Scrum team sending the proposed date on Dependency results in error upon the attempt to accept the proposed time


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No


      A user in the "Requesting" team (Agile team) is unable to accept a dependency proposal sent by a user in the "Depends on" team (Agile team) with a date other than the "Needed By" date

      When agreeing/accepting the proposal for work to be done by a Sprint, which date (08/30/2022) is within the "Needed By" date (08/29/2022), the "Requesting" team sees the following pop-up error message "The selected Sprints cannot be assigned as the requested end date is before the proposed end date."

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. I logged into the Jira Align Support system as a member user of the Look Time Life Agile Team X team and created the following dependency:  Dependency 381.
      2. I set the Needed By field to LTLSX (Ends: 8/30/2022)
      3. I logged into the Jira Align Support system as a member user of the Look Time Life Agile Team team and proposed a Committed By to LTLSX1 (Ends: 8/29/2022)
      4. I logged back into the Jira Align Support system as a member user of the Look Time Life Agile Team X team and clicked on the Accept button and then Yes, I accept it, that's when I received the following error message: "The selected Iteration cannot be assigned as requested end date is before the proposed end date."

      Expected Results

      Regardless of whether the proposed date is greater than or smaller than the "Needed By" Sprint/date, the Requesting team should be able to accept the proposed sprint/date.

      Actual Results

      When attempting to accept the proposed sprint/date sent by the "Depends on" team, the "Requesting" team sees the following error message and is unable to accept: "The selected Sprints cannot be assigned as the requested end date is before the proposed end date."


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


            dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
            e06f93ac0c9e janansambi (Inactive)
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            3 Start watching this issue
