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  1. Identity
  2. ID-6675

Allow administrators to configure default groups for Trusted Users


    • 220
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      The Problem

      Currently we have three defaults for users Permissions:

      • Basic: assigns jira-software-users/jira-servicedesk-user
      • Trusted: assigns jira-software-users/jira-servicedesk-user and administrators
      • Site administrator: assigns jira-software-users/jira-servicedesk-user and site-admin

      The Suggestion

      Add a way to edit those groups for a more granular approach when assigning permissions.


      We're working on deprecating the Trusted User feature, and replacing it with a flexible set of delegated admin roles. If you didn't see the blog post about this, here it is https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Access-articles/Say-hi-to-our-new-user-admin-role/ba-p/1890277

      The new role will be available for some customers in May 2023, and slowly rolled out to everyone over a few months. The Trusted User feature will not change in the meantime.

            kdight Kieren (Inactive)
            mbomfim Kombi, the best car ever (Inactive)
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