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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-4213

Add support for Arabic language (we can even translate Jira Service Management Cloud for you, if it helps)


    • Other, Others
    • New Language Request

      We are a quickly growing startup in northern Africa. Most of our users are non-English speakers. Their native is Arabic.  
      Currently, gathering feedback on our apps is a daunting task with a couple of middle men, which of course skews the message and makes bug reports horribly incomplete.

      While we would love to introduce the users to Jira Service Management, the language barrier is a deal-breaker. 

      Therefore, it would be great if at least Jira Service Management could be translated to Arabic. We could even provide the translation ourselves!


      Thank you a lot,
      Lukasz Czerwinski
      ex-Google Software Engineer, Platform Lead

              Unassigned Unassigned
              27a7affb49a0 Lukasz Czerwinski
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