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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-4158

French Language - Viewing titles in AR has English information while viewing in French


    • French
    • Translation Error

      Open an existing plan in advanced roadmap.

      1. In the Hierarchy area, I was expected to read the title of the various type of tickets to be in French.  Below you can read "Epic" and "sub-task".  The problem exists for all the issue types.
      2. Ensure no fields are selected, You may want to choose the basic view with no extra changes.  In the fields area once it is collapsed, I expected to read "CHAMPS" instead of FIELDS.
      3. If you select to see the field "story points", it is shown in English.
      4. If you select Avancement (nombre de ticket), the popup information is in English
        TO DO 5 issues
        IN PROGRESS 2 issues
        DONE 13 issues
        Total 20 issues
      1. The date fields shows the dates in English. The calendar to choose the dates is also shown in English.   
        1. The same behavior exists for the three date fields.
      2. In the popup for the fields "dépendance" the type of dépendances is shown in English. 
        1. We read "blocks" or "blocks by".
      3. The field title  Avancement (story points) is written half in French and the other half in English
      4. The content of the popup for avancement (story points) is all in English
         Jira CTR Monthly Metrics
        COMPLETED 47 pts
        REMAINING 31 pts
        Total 78 pts*

        Estimated issues 14
        Unestimated issues 7
        *Progress may not be accurate due to unestimated issues
      1. The content of the field priorité is all in English.
      2. The month is shown in English instead of French in the Gantt chart area of the screen.
      3. The date information for selecting to see things on the Gantt chart area are in English and also in the popup to select the dates:

      Afficher derniers
      Afficher suivants
      La plage temporelle sélectionnée est 25/Mar/23 - 24/Jun/23

      1. Same thing happens to the dates when you are looking at the releases, the dates are in English. Any calculation with the dates are in English
      2. In the area called "afficher les paramètres", when chosing to add a color, the field "issue type" choice is in English and all the issue type are in English.  If you want to add a new color, it has " + add color" in English.
      3. When you group by "sprint" and you click on the sprint, the title is in English (Velocity Insight", the pts allocated is in English; the pts done is in English

            Unassigned Unassigned
            a3cfaee093a8 Jeremie Marquis
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