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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-3878

Confluence indexing language to align to the language used in WAC sign-up page


    • ALL Languages

      When you sign-up to Cloud from WAC, the provisioned instance would be configured as the following:

      • UI language: Atlassian account language
        • most of the times this is the same as the display language used in WAC
      • indexing language: English

      For non-English customers, the product looks ready to use in their locale at the first glance. However, since the indexing language is English, the search won't work as they expect. Indexing language can't be configured by users at the moment and they need to reach out to support, which results in support's extra load.

      To prevent this and provide an international-friendly experience, would be great if the defalut Confluence indexing language inherits the language used in WAC sign-up.

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            ahirama Ai Hirama
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