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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-3445

Inappropriate sentence on the password reset email for JSM portal only customer


    • Japanese

      The sentence on the password reset email for JSM portal only customer is as follows:

      こんにちは [name],
      [email address] の新しいパスワードをリクエストしました。

      The sentence above is missing the honorific title, and is a bit like machine-translated. It might be better to change it as follows:

      こんにちは [name] 様,
      [email address] の新しいパスワード設定のリクエストを受け取りました。

      The above is the same wording used when resetting Atlassian account password.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            3fb4e7e36438 K. Tajima
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