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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-3268

Option to customize predetermined text in Service Desk Portal


    • German
    • Kontaktieren Sie uns zu; Wobei können wir Ihnen helfen?
    • Kontaktiere uns zu; Wobei können wir dir helfen?
    • New Language Request

      Hey there,

      is it possible to change the text "Kontaktieren Sie uns zu" in the Service Desk portal? I have not found the settings to do this by now and it seems to be hardcoded.

      It's just about the kind of language we have with our employees, in Germany the "Sie"-form is more unpersonal, so we would like to replace it with "Kontaktiere uns zu" and "Wobei können wir dir helfen?"


      Kind regards,




              Unassigned Unassigned
              ea31b7502e3c Lukas Gundlach
              7 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
