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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-3076

Translate the Support Portal into Supported Languages


    • Other


      The Atlassian Support Portal is only available in three languages as of the creation of this request, including English:

      • Portuguese (português -Brasil)
      • Japanese (日本語)

      Reference: https://confluence.atlassian.com/translations as of 31 March 2020

      We offer translation support in the following languages:

      • Chinese (中文 - 中国)
      • Czech (čeština)
      • Danish (dansk)
      • Dutch (Nederland)
      • Estonian (eesti)
      • Finnish (suomi)
      • French (français)
      • German (Deutsch - Deutschland)
      • Hungarian (magyar)
      • Icelandic (islenska)
      • Italian (italiano)
      • Japanese (日本語)
      • Korean (한국어)
      • Norwegian (norsk, bokmål)
      • Polish (polski)
      • Portuguese (português -Brasil)
      • Romanian (română)
      • Russian (русский)
      • Slovak (slovenčina)
      • Spanish (español - España)
      • Swedish (svenska)


      Provide the ability to translate the Support Portal into the customer's selected profile language for ease of use.


      We are not able to provide support in all of the listed languages, so we would need a solution for that. For example:

      A disclaimer that our teams provide support in specific languages. Reference: Atlassian Support Offerings.

      Support does not include: support in languages other than English, Japanese, and Portuguese.

      Otherwise, we'd need some way to translate customer requests on-the-fly, but that can be unreliable.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            smackie@atlassian.com Shannon S
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