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  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-3026

Translations for priorities, statuses and Issue types are not working


    • ALL Languages

      Issue Summary

      When description is defined for priorities and translated to English US as per the below screenshot, other users when having their default profile language set to English US, sees the same description Users when having their default profile language set to English UK, sees the description different.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Translated the priority descriptions to English US.
      When default language is in English US, works as expected.
      Changed default language to English UK 
      Priority description shows different comments.

      Expected Results

      Priority description should show as it is set in the description.

      Actual Results

      Descriptions are not showing as how it is set.


      Create new priorities and set the descriptions as this issue only persist with the default priorities.

      This has been observed for Issue types as well.

            mheighway@atlassian.com Melanie Heighway
            ssreedhar@atlassian.com Shashank Sreedhar
            4 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
