Uploaded image for project: 'Atlassian Internationalization'
  1. Atlassian Internationalization
  2. I18N-2971

The most important link is not translated in PDF export result page


    • Japanese
    • Your PDF file is ready to go. Download PDF
    • Your PDF file is ready to go. Download PDF
    • PDF ファイルの準備ができました。<a class="space-export-download-path" href="{0}">PDF をダウンロード</a>

      The most important link is not translated in PDF export result page.

      1. Choose Japanese as language preference.
      2. In Confluence page, click " ... " at the top of the page and select "Export to PDF"
      3. PDF export process is initiated immediately.
      4. After the completion, the download link is shown like this. "Finished PDF export. Download <link>here</link>."

      This important section should be translated.

        1. Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 12.36.05 pm.png
          Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 12.36.05 pm.png
          33 kB
        2. podf.png
          97 kB
        3. Confluence export to PDF.png
          Confluence export to PDF.png
          196 kB

            5602c971d175 Jorrit van der Moolen
            ynakajima Yumi Nakajima (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
