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  1. FishEye
  2. FE-7317

Include repository connection errors in the Log Analyzer report


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Server administration
    • None
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      Feature Summary

      Display repository connection issues in the  Log Analyzer window.

      Current status

      Currently, Log Analyzer catches only those errors, that are already described in KB articles at https://confluence.atlassian.com. However, if a repository connection error is recorded in the logs, it's not listed as a problem by Log Analyzer.
      The only place the error is known is the repositories state. However, this doesn't count the number of error occurrences so intermittent issues are not shown if not caught 'live'.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ttokarczuk@atlassian.com Tomasz Tokarczuk (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
