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  1. FishEye
  2. FE-7308

Very slow replication of Changesets in Fisheye Crucible and no option for configuring commit hooks from Gerrit server


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      Hi Team,

      This is regarding the ticket raised under Atlassian support PS-61114.

      We have around 1050+ repositories in our Fisheye Crucible server instance. We have integrated our Fisheye instance with our Gerrit and SVN aaplications. The changeset replication in the instance is too bad now. Atlassian has commented like this is expected, due to the huge count of repositories. The incremental indexing is taking 1.5+ hours to replicate new changesets. Even tuning the fisheye performance is not having any considerable impact.


      We need faster replication in some of our Git repositories and Atlassian suggested to Configuring commit hooks. But there is no option available to configure commit hooks from our Gerrit server. Please consider this as a feature request and help us to improve the application performance and to introduce alternative ways to configure individual repository wise analysis and incremental indexing management.


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            5cb483cd6e0f Binoy Francis
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