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  1. FishEye
  2. FE-7269

Fisheye should handle this specific git error - blame::find_origin (D)- more gracefully


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      Problem Definition

      • During indexing of a repo Fisheye will use git to calculate blame
      • If git is unable to find blame origin for a commit it may return the following fatal: internal error in blame::find_origin (D)
      • The index of the repo will not complete if this error is encountered

      Suggested Solution

      • Fisheye should be able to handle this error more gracefully with perhaps a clear call to action to disable blame calculation at the appropriate level ie. per repo by disabling "store diff info" setting or system wide via a system property - fisheye.blame.calc.enable


      • Disabling blame calculation should allow the repo to index successfully with the caveat that LoC will also be disabled

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nhansberry Nate Hansberry
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